Monday, September 30, 2019

Breastfeeding Vs. Formula Feeding Essay

Feeding your new baby is one of the first activities you accomplish as a mom. As a new parent, it is your responsibility to make sure your baby will get off to a good nutritional start. To do that means, you must decide what is best for you and your baby, whether to breastfeed, or to formula feed. Both choices have pros and cons, but it is totally up to you to choose which is best for you and your child. There is no doubt that breastfeeding contains all the nutrients your baby needs for proper growth and development. Studies prove that breast milk provides optimal health benefits for your newborn. Mother’s milk is easily digested, has perfectly matched nutrition for the baby, and is filled with antibodies that protect against infection. Further more, breastfed babies are less likely to suffer from ear infections, diaper rash, and intestinal upsets. In addition, breast milk offers immune system boosters and fatty acids specific to humans that promote optimal brain growth. Not only does breastfeeding benefit your baby, it has many advantages for you. Breastfeeding is convenient. There is no need to get out of bed at 2 a.m. to prepare a bottle. All you have to do is hold your baby to your chest and feed. Next, breastfeeding is very economical. Since breast milk is self- produced, you don’t need money to buy an endless supply of food. Last, breastfeeding is helpful in the process of returning your body to its normal state. While feeding, hormones are produced that make your organs contract into their natural size. Formula feeding, though, is a good alternative for mothers who are unable to breastfeed due to a variety of reasons. For instance, some women are unable  to produce milk. Certain breast reduction surgeries with nipple relocation could be an example of this situation. Also, any medication taken by a mother can be transferred through breast milk to the infant. So, if you are taking treatments such as, antibiotics, or anti- depressants, it would be best to formula feed because those drugs can enter your child’s system through breast milk. Also, formula feeding can be a better alternative for mothers on the go. If you are a working mother, in school, or otherwise away from your child for long periods of time breastfeeding can be burdensome. Your child will cry for you, and your breast will leak in desperation for your baby. By formula feeding, you are given the chance to be away from your child, without worrying about him, or her crying for you. Their care- giver can prepare a bottle, and your baby’s hunger will be satisfied. For the first few months of the baby’s life, it seems as if all the baby does is feed. But, your baby gets a lot more than nutrition from meals; Feeding your baby by breast or bottle also gives you and your child the cuddle, closeness, and bonding time necessary for a growing mother/child relationship. Your choice whether to breastfeed, or formula feed is exactly that†¦your choice. It is entirely a personal decision. You should look deep inside and decide what is best for you. Whatever you choose, it is the right decision, because you made the choice for yourself.

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